09 May 2008

Government supports business water cheats

Car Wash facilities have been popping up all over Melbourne over the pas 15 or so years.

Since the official sanctioning of water by the government, Car Wash facilities did not provide recycled water, but the people were told if they washed their car at home they would be fined. The minimum average cost for a car was at a facility is $10, whilst the cost of washing your car at home can vary from 2 to 5 cents.

Since the privitisation of Melbourne’s water, there has been no provisions for more water storage or even additional infrastructure provided by the various businesses. A clear money making exercise.

News media publishes stories titled “ Water cheats escape Justice”


yet support water wastage by business, usually under the banner that it employs people, and helps stimulate the economy.

The government is quick to fine individuals, but dodgy operations at shopping centres (illustration: Highpoint Shopping Centre – Melbourne) go unnoticed.

Coca Cola pays $1.40 per 1,000,000 litres, whilst residents pay $0.80 per 1,000 litres, or approximately 570 time more.

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